Domestic, Infographics, K-12, Learning Management Systems (LMS / CMS), OER - Open Educational Resources, Required, Startups, Technology, Universities & Colleges - Written by on Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:30 - 0 Comments

Infographic: How Learning Management Startups & Giants Split The LMS Pie







Enabling Student-Student Interaction in a Large Classroom Setting [visual notes] Alan Slavin, PhD Physics, 3M Fellow, Trent UniversityGiulia Forsythe via Compfight

Learning Management Systems, or LMS providers, manage the various syllabi, readings and other content in various courses. They help universities, faculty and students stay organized. One of the fastest growing software sectors over the last decade, it is now a billion dollar plus industry with hundreds of competing offerings. Below is a look the most popular options as measured by a combination of their total number of customers, active users, and online presence.

This infographic looks at the numbers of customers, numbers of users and gives an on-line score….a measure of the number of social media followers by product. It jumbles together corporate learning with academic learning by including Moodle (which operates in both markets) according to e-learning centre. It also rolls in purely education LMS providers such as Edmodo and Schoology along with purely corporate offerings such as Cornerstone.

Good commentary on this infographic found at e-learning centre

The Top 20 Most Popular LMS Software Solutions

© 2012 Capterra, Inc.

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Domestic, Education Quality, For-Profit, Friend, Fraud, or Fishy, Graduate, International, Private, Public, Regulatory, Required, Universities & Colleges - Jan 14, 2013 6:00 - 0 Comments

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Domestic, Infographics, K-12, Learning Management Systems (LMS / CMS), OER - Open Educational Resources, Required, Startups, Technology, Universities & Colleges - Jan 17, 2013 8:30 - 0 Comments

Infographic: How Learning Management Startups & Giants Split The LMS Pie

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Domestic, Education Quality, For-Profit, Friend, Fraud, or Fishy, Graduate, International, Private, Public, Regulatory, Required, Universities & Colleges - Jan 14, 2013 6:00 - 0 Comments

Ryan Craig: American Clampdown Forcing Forlorn For-Profit Colleges To Look Abroad

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